Sunday, August 19, 2007

Who is God?

Who is God?

I recently read somebody’s attempt at answering that question.
In response to the question "Who is God?” somebody wrote the following...

"God is whoever you want him to be."

From nearly every religious, philosophical and moral standpoint, that is the wrong answer.

I am a Christian, but I will put aside my beliefs on who God is for a minute so as to give unbiased answer to the person who wrote that sentence.

The concept of God or gods is found in nearly every society today. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, even Satanism (yikes, scary!)
All of these religions agree on one thing, God or gods aren't whoever you want them to be...

The very concept of God is that it is a being or force more powerful than us humans.
So to say that God is whoever you want him to be is a complete and total lie. Here are four reasons why:

1. If there is a God, and if He is all-powerful, then He is what he is regardless of what you believe. He cannot be "whoever you want him to be" as someone so naively wrote.

2. If there is a God, and if He is not all-powerful, then He is still more powerful than us humans, otherwise He wouldn't be considered God. This would mean the same thing as Reason #1...that is; God is who He is regardless of what you believe.

3. If you believe "God is whoever you want him to be," then He is not really God, because you can control what He is. The universal concept of what God or gods are is that they are above us, more powerful then us, and cannot be controlled by us.
Saying that "God is whoever you want him to be" makes God a figment of your imagination that holds no true power, because that makes you controller of God, making Him not God. Put shortly, this statement defeats itself.

4. If there is NO God, then where did we come from?
Many scientists would say evolution. With all due respect to the scientist, evolution has so many holes and gaps in it that it is amazing it hasn’t fallen apart yet. It is still called the “Theory of Evolution” for a reason after all…because it is just a theory, a theory that will never be proven as absolute truth because it is based on a lie.
Some people would say the Big Bang Theory, but that doesn’t explain where we came from, just where the universe came from. However, the evidence for the Big Bang Theory points to the Christian Creation Theory. The Big bang theory says the universe came to be in a huge cosmic explosion in a flash of light. There are still the radio waves moving through space from the point of explosion scientists have discovered, and I believe in those radio waves because it has been proven! The account in Genesis says the universe came into being in just six days. That would require a huge amount of power and energy unimaginable! Is it so hard to believe that those moving radio waves are from the first moments of Creation, when God, in a burst of unimaginable glory, beauty, and power sent the galaxies and planets hurtling into the empty universe?

God is who He is regardless of what you say He is. An elephant is still an elephant, even if somebody said it was a fish. 2+2=4, even if someone says it equals 347.
These things are absolute truths, and you can say whatever you want too, but the elephant will still be an elephant, 2+2 will always equal 4, and God will always be God, even if you don't believe in Him.

So, now that we've covered why God can't be whatever you want Him to be, who is He really?

God is a being who loves His Creation so much, even after sin viciously marred it, that He allowed His own, perfect Son to be murdered so that He can be reunited with us again.
That sounds a lot better to me than "God is whoever you want Him to be."
It makes more sense too; God did something for you even if you choose not to accept it. His own Son died so you can be united with God again. God did something you may not believe or agree to because He is God and not "whatever you believe." You had no control over it, because God isn't "whoever you want Him to be."

The whole "God is whoever you want Him to be" spill is a lie straight from the pits of hell that resides comfortably with 21st century post-modernism. Frankly, it's a load of lies that is easily proven as "untruth" when placed under the light. It doesn't hold up, and unfortunately, lots of people are going to pay the consequences for it when we all stand before God on the Day of Judgment and they say, "But you are not God because I don't believe in you!"
It saddens my heart to think that so many will be saying that...

In Christ,


Anonymous said...

In your article you said you are a Christian but you will put aside your beliefs of who God is for a few minutes.

Why would you consider doing this?

Nevertheless, how do you do it?

Anonymous said...

Because if I argued God from a purely Christian standpoint, my arguement would appear extremely biased and ignorant, which is why many nonbelievers tune Christians out when they start alking.

I do this because there are ways other than just using Christian doctrine and beliefs to prove Truth and prove God. God, after all, exists whether or not you believe in Him.

I do it by reminding myself that Truth is Truth regardless of what anyone says about it.

Its really not complicated at all. God can be argued from other standpoints than just the Bible. All of history points to the fact that there is a God. God is reasonable.
Stepping outside of one's beliefs every now and then lets one see that God is not just some religous warm fuzzy we can cling to. God is real, and He is Truth.
By putting aside my beliefs, I can argue the existence of God from a more unbiased standpoint, and people will be more willing to listen.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Christians are called to be witnesses not argue. I hope you don't feel I am trying to argue with you. Actually I admire your enthusiasm. I would have tried some arguing myself until I realized I can't prove God to others. I came to this realization after exploring the host of arguements available. It took me a while to notice I was not winning. And when I thought about it I realized that the devil was initially created as an angel and hense he is really smarter than us humans and he was around for a while so he knows our arguements. Also Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" John 10:27. So it seems a though people will only follow His voice and not us and our arguements. So I don't feel God needs us to represent him in a defensive way.

You could take a peek at Ravi Zacharias on if you are interested in arguements i.e if you don't know him already.

Anonymous said...

This paticular blog post was to prove a God existed. There is no need to argue the existence of a God, all of Creation points to the Creator. I think we are agreeing on the same things here, just from different viewpoints.

As to the devil being smarter than us, I have mixed feelings on that. He is definetly more crafty, but do remember that he was stupid enough to believe he could kick the Almighty God off the throne.

As for defending God...hmmm...we should defend what we believe, and question what other nonbelievers believe...

Anonymous said...

Although the devil was stupid enough to attempt to kick God off the throne it seems to me as though we are still not smart enough to deal with him, because, if we were we would have been smart enough to overcome sin.

As for defending what I believe.......well I believe in standing my ground but defending somehow gives me a feeling or a sense of commitment to a process in which I am obligated explain myself to the devil in the form of a person.

Nevertheless I do believe in questioning what believers and non believers believe. So definitely we are on the same page.

Thanks for your time