Sunday, April 8, 2007

Post-modernism in Dying America

This is going to be a long one, so get serious about reading it before you start:

So, I was reading my bible and thinking the other day about the world that we live in, and how things seem to be getting worse every day. I was trying to figure out why and how things have gotten the way that they have, and these are a few of the reasons that I came up with.

1. The Fall 2. Man's continous rebelllion against God. 3. Post-modernism

I'll briefly state my thoughts on the first two, due to their simplicity.
1. The Fall- This is what started all the problems we expeirence in today's post-modern world. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, plunging the world into sin and darkness.
2. Man's Unending Rebellion- After the Fall, mankind continually choses everything over God, and the world steadily began to grow worse and more unstable. Even after the death of Christ, the world still continued and continues to spiral out of control. The only difference, forgiveness is now offered.

These first two are what have brought us to today's world, and now, even as you are reading this, man's rebellion against God has been fully renewed in a different and terrifying way.
3. Post-modernism- Ever since Earth was created, mankind has replaced its' Creator with another god. Some examples of these are idols, imaginery "gods", and satanic pagan practices. But now, mankind is no longer doing this. Instead of man trading God for "gods," mankind is exchanging God for no God. No more idols, paganism, etc. Instead, mankind is leaving any form of religion or God behind. However, post-modernism, though it says there is no God, still places a "god" on the throne: Man himself. And so we are ushered into a new era, where mankind is nearing "perfection." I only have one question to ask to the post-modernist: If mankind is God, then why can't we find a solution to the violence that rules the world today? I mean, seriously, we've been trying for thousands of years. If you say that there is no problem in the world today, then why do people commit suicide, why do kids bring guns to school, why are planes hijacked and flown into buildings, why are goverments killing their own citizens, why are there so many opposing idealogies in the world, why do people get hurt from relationships, etc.? Post-modernism says the world is going one way when, in reality, the world is going in the complete opposite direction. We aren't nearing perfection, we're swiftly closing in to a Spiritual Dark Ages. And the fallout can be seen everywhere: shrinking religous freedom for Christians, more and more corruption in government, and an escalating number of wars in the world. And what happens when, in the future, we will be ushered into the Spirtual Dark Age? Answer: Hell on Earth, literally.

Let me know what you think.

In Christ(the solution to the world's problems),


1 comment:

Stephen said...

Nice, link to my site, i will link to yours